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Amazon Connect Workshop -- St. Louis

Thursday, October 26, 2023 | 11:30am-5pm CT
16401 Swingley Ridge Rd, Suite 500, Chesterfield, MO 63017
Space is limited, please register early. 

This hands-on workshop promises an immersive and insightful experience, equipping attendees with the knowledge and skills to harness Amazon Connect's capabilities for enhanced, omnichannel CX. As organizations strive to create meaningful customer engagements, this workshop offers an invaluable opportunity to explore, learn, and master the art of crafting exceptional omnichannel experiences.

The workshop will kick off with a visionary session titled "Art of the Possible," where participants will embark on a journey to reimagine CX experiences using the transformative potential of Amazon Connect. Through engaging presentations and thought-provoking discussions, attendees will gain a deep understanding of how to leverage cutting-edge features to create unparalleled customer interactions.

”Realizing Customer Outcomes & Business Value" takes the discussion to a pragmatic level, sharing real-world success stories where Amazon Connect has driven remarkable customer outcomes and tangible business value. Through in-depth customer examples, attendees will gain a nuanced understanding of how this solution can be harnessed to achieve strategic objectives and foster lasting customer relationships.

“Amazon Connect LIVE” showcases in real-time how InterVision's ConnectIV CXTM, powered by Amazon Connect, seamlessly integrates diverse communication channels into a unified interface. The demo showcases the system's versatility in managing interactions, personalizing engagement, and optimizing agent workflows for maximum efficiency and customer satisfaction.

The pinnacle of the workshop lies in the "Hands-On Workshop" segment, where attendees will roll up their sleeves and embark on a guided journey to explore their own contact center instance using Amazon Connect. Facilitated by experienced experts, this practical exercise will empower participants to navigate the platform, by placing test calls, experiencing a day in the life of an agent, and gaining exposure to management/reporting capabilities. (NOTE: to participate in the workshop, please bring your own laptop.)

11:30A   Welcome & Introductions & Lunch

Noon      Program Begins
                    Art of the Possible - CX experiences re-imagined with Amazon Connect
                    Realizing Customer Outcomes & Business Value - Customer Examples
1:30P     Discussion / Break
1:45P     Interactive Session*
                    Amazon Connect Live Demo 
                    Hands on Amazon Connect Experience 
4:15P     Wrap-Up / Questions and Next Steps
4:30P     Happy Hour

*Business and Technical tracks available.

You are responsible for your own lodging and transportation, if traveling. Upon registration, hotel accommodation information will be shared. Another shorter session is scheduled for Kansas City on November 8. If interested, please reach out to Tim Buske ([email protected]).  

Yes, I'm interested:


Jumpstart your AWS Cloud Migration

Stalled cloud migration? Reinvigorate your process and ensure a smooth transition in 3 Tips to Jumpstart a Stalled AWS Cloud Migration.

Form Title

day 1

day 2

*Please note: Agenda may be subject to change. Times listed are Eastern Time.


11:30 |  Welcome & Housekeeping
Jeff Ton, Moderator & Strategic Advisor, InterVision  

11:35 |  New Era of Customer Experience – Stronger Together
Jonathan Lerner, President & CEO, InterVision

12:00 |  What’s Here Now? What’s Next. Stepping into the Application, Data and AI Modernization World
Brent Lazarenko, VP – Innovation, InterVision

1:00   |  What Can You Afford to Lose? Importance of an IR Plan
Arctic Wolf with 
Adam Scamihorn, Product Manager, InterVision

2:00   |  Out of the Basement & Into the Cloud – Data Led Migration
AWS & NetApp with John Gray, CPO, InterVision

2:45   |  Security in the Cloud: A Shared Responsibility
David Gaffney & Zach Moore, COE Leaders, InterVision

3:30   |  Microsoft 365: Do More with Less
Rob Spitzer, Director, Microsoft Cloud Services

4:00   |  End of Day 1 Wrap-Up


11:30 |  Welcome to Day 2 
Jeff Ton, Moderator & Strategic Advisor, InterVision

11:35 |  Value of Partnerships – 30 Years & Going Strong 
Tony Bailey, EVP, InterVision, Jonathan Bunce, AVP, InterVision, & Key Strategic Partners

12:00 |  Meeting of the Minds: A Candid Conversation
Vickie Landeche, SVP, InterVision

12:30 |  Beyond Keeping the Lights On: Operations Center Essentials
Ben Martin, VP, InterVision

1:00   |  Panel: You Had Me at Hello – Future of Omnichannel Communications
Brad Holland, Josh Ellis, Michael Molla, Matt Campbell, Collaboration Experts, InterVision

2:00   |  Ransomware IS a Disaster
Adam Scamihorn, Product Manager, InterVision

2:45   |  Keeping One Step Ahead – Data Breach to Data Extortion
Darren Manners, Founder, RedSpy365®

3:30   |  Building a Solution Factory
John Gray, CPO, InterVision & Kevin Van Mondfrans, VP Product Management, InterVision

4:00   |  Wrap-Up / Raffle

What’s Inside

Day 1

Stop & Go Words

Saying “we’ll never spam you” is like saying “we’ll never burgle your house while you sleep.” Stop terrifying people and start persuading them!

Day 2

Stop & Go Words

Saying “we’ll never spam you” is like saying “we’ll never burgle your house while you sleep.” Stop terrifying people and start persuading them!

Day 3

Stop & Go Words

Saying “we’ll never spam you” is like saying “we’ll never burgle your house while you sleep.” Stop terrifying people and start persuading them!

Seven Logo Garden

Six Logo Garden

Five Logo Garden


Join InterVision, AWS and IT leaders from across the US, for two days of interactive conversations on the opportunities and challenges of cloud adoption and remote work in 2020 and beyond.

Join InterVision, AWS and IT leaders from across the US, for two days of interactive conversations on the opportunities and challenges of cloud adoption and remote work in 2020 and beyond.

Ready to get started? Sign up now!